CHEM CARBO Carbofuran 3% G (Encapsulated)

CHEM CARBO Carbofuran 3% G (Encapsulated) CHEM CARBO is a systemic carbamate insecticide/nematicide.Effective against a wide range of insect pests on major agricultural crops. Recommendation for: Shoot Fly of BajraPlant HopperGall MidgeGreen Leaf HopperHispaStem BorerNematodesWhite Grub in Ground NutTop Borer in Sugar Cane Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp Signup our newsletter to get update information, news, […]

CHETAK PRO Chloropyriphos 10% G

CHETAK PRO Chloropyriphos 10% G CHETAK PRO is an organophosphorus insecticide.Controls stem borer, leaf folder, and whorl maggot in paddy.Controls shoot borer and root borer in sugarcane. Recommendation for: Rice and Sugar Cane Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp Signup our newsletter to get update information, news, insight or promotions. Latest Post

CHEM EMA Emamectin Benzoate 1.9% EC

CHEM EMA Emamectin Benzoate 1.9% EC CHEM EMA is a water-soluble liquid formulation for controlling Thrips, Bollworms, Leaf folder, and other pests.Stomach action insecticide, effective after ingestion by larvae.Affected larvae become paralyzed, stop feeding, and die within 2-4 days. Recommendation for: Fruit Borers, Boll Worms, Thrips, Mites, DBM. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp Signup our newsletter […]

CHEM CYPER Bifenthrin 25% EC

CHEM CYPER Bifenthrin 25% EC CHEM CYPER belongs to the Pyrethroid ester group of insecticides.Effective contact and stomach poison action.Controls insects immediately after application at lower doses.No residue left in crops, allowing application up to 1 week before harvest. Recommendation for: Cotton, Paddy, Jawar, Sugar Cane, Vegetables, and Fruit Crops. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp Signup […]

MAX ZINC Zinc Oxide Suspension Concentrate (39.5% Zn) 100 ml

MAX ZINC Zinc Oxide Suspension Concentrate (39.5% Zn) 100 ml MAX ZINC is a unique solution for Zn deficit management in crops.White color liquid suspension concentrate, superior to granular zinc.Essential nutrition for crops, addressing widespread zinc deficiency. Dosages: 25 ml/Acre, depending on crop and stage. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp Signup our newsletter to get update […]

MAX NUTRI 100 ml

MAX NUTRI 100 ml MAX NUTRI is a quick and reliable tool to compensate soil-derived nutrient deficiencies, particularly under environmental stresses.Improves macro- and micronutrients use efficiency through foliar application.Benefits: lower application rates, even dispersion of nutrients, fast response, and efficient nutrient absorption. Dosages: 100 ml/Acre at the onset of flowers & fruiting.Compatible with most crop […]

MAX SULPHUR Liquid Sulphur 30% 100 ml

MAX SULPHUR Liquid Sulphur 30% 100 ml MAX SULPHUR (Liquid Sulphur 30%)MAX SULPHUR has many benefits in agriculture.MAX SULPHUR fertilized plants had registered significantly higher dry matter production, seed yield and oil content than gypsum fertilized plants. Dosages: 50 ml/Acre Crops: Applicable to all crops like cereals, Pulses, Millets, Fruits and Vegetables and Plantation crops.Best […]

MAX GAIN CaBaZ 100 ml

MAX GAIN CaBaZ 100 mlMAX GAIN Ca21% Ba0.1% Zn1.5% MAX GAIN provides the availability of Calcium, Boron and Zinc elements being essential for the crop growth for giving enhanced yield and quality of the harvest.Affects fruit size and colour of the crop.Helps in prolonged shelf life of the fruits. Dosages: 100 ml/Acre before flowering or […]

MAX GROW Ammonium Polyphosphate (10-34-0) Liquid 250 ml

Ammonium Polyphosphate (10-34-0) Liquid250 ml MAX GROW Ammonium Polyphosphate (10-34-0) LiquidDAP MAX GROW is a product of all time for the crops from germination to fruit setting and development and meeting out the nutritional requirement of the crops in terms of Nitrogen and Phosphorus helps in getting more yield.This provides the basic nutrients required for […]

CHEM GLYPHO (Glyphosate 41% SL)

CHEM GLYPHO (Glyphosate 41% SL) is a non-selective, systemic herbicide that eliminates unwanted weeds and grasses in fields, ensuring weed-free farming.   Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp Signup our newsletter to get update information, news, insight or promotions. Latest Post